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Старый 28.06.2013, 14:26
Аватар для SunnyBоy
Историческая личность
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Angvat, ты ушел от ответа. Где ссылка на правила или мануалы игры "Седьмое море", в которых идет речь об описанных тобой демонах, людях Икс и Бабе Яге? Апеллировать к Пяти кольцам иди в тему по игре Пять колец. То, чем ты занимаешься в этой теме, путая две разных игры, или намеренный троллинг, или откровенный идиотизм.

P.S. Вот цитата из "Книги наций: Уссуры", в части помеченной для "Game Master":
Скрытый текст - Цитата специально для клинически упоротых:
“Speak to the earth, and she shall teach thee.”
– Canon of the True Prophet, XII.8
Matushka. The spirit of the Ussuran woodlands. The Goddess of nature, ancient crone of winter and laughing
maiden of spring. Fiend from the Syrneth wastes, leading innocents away from the Vaticine church, and turning their souls to unforgiving Legion. She has been called all these things, and more. But what is
she really?
Matushka’s history since the rise of man has been dealt with in Chapter One, but the truth about her origins goes back
far before the time of the Numan Empire, before the primitive tribes of Cathay and northern Ussura. Matushka’s
origins are not, in fact, anything close to human, and she remembers the birth of humanity. She remembers the times
before humanity when the Sidhe and the Syrneth fought to control the world. Numerous races, long ago forgotten and
lost to history, still live in Matushka’s memory. The Thalusai, a young and arrogant race of upstarts, came and
vanished in a mere breath of Matushka’s eternal life. She considers all of the Syrneth young races, and their
descendants – trapped forever on the far side of the Barrier – are no more than children to ancient Matushka.

The Razhdost
The Razhdost were the first race of Syrneth, and lived upon the world while it was still forming. The world then was a
barren place, empty of greenness or animal life, and its land existed as a single great continent. The Razhdost began to
create life, calling forth strange beings from the ground and drawing down the stars in order to fill the seas. They
poured themselves into this new creation, leaving behind the ways of their race and the bonds of man and woman.
Although they never had children, neither did the Razhdost die, and thus they lived in an eternal tapestry with no
ending. As they shaped their art, created nature and populated the empty world of Théah with all manner of
creatures. Aeons passed and the world began to move.
Slowly, one by one the immortal Razhdost vanished. Realizing that their existence was threatened, the Razhdost
tried first one, then a thousand means of repopulating themselves — but to no avail. They turned to their own
creation, triggering a reaction that brought forth all manner of new sentient life upon Théah. Thus were the Syrneth races born — the Thalusai, the Domae, and many more. Some prospered, some failed, and some did not survive the
process of creation.
Still the Razhdost were dying. With the cold logic of alien beings, they began to prepare for the inevitable. They
planned to leave Théah, allowing their new races to continue natural evolution, develop, and live without their
guidance. One race, however, refused to let them go peacefully. The Thalusai felt that the Razhdost were leaving
without teaching them the final secrets of creation. They sabotaged the final spell of the Razhdost, intending to
prevent their masters from leaving Théah. Then the Razhdost would have no choice but to teach the Thalusai
how to create sentient life – allowing them to rule Théah with a race of slave beings at their command.
But the Thalusai did not realize the ramifications of their sabotage efforts. When the Razhdost opened the portal to
step into the Beyond, a huge series of earthquakes and cataclysms ripped across Théah. The continent tore into
pieces. The oceans parted, and strange, uncontrolled magic poured into the dying world. New beings from bizarre
realities seethed into the breach as the universe tried desperately to right itself. Thousands of Razhdost died as
their cities crumbled and uncontrolled power ravaged Théah. Unable to direct themselves into the Beyond, the
Razhdost prepared one final spell to seal the portal and protect Théah from their own dark fate.
But they did not expect the reactions of the Syrneth.
Watching as the Razhdost opened a portal that caused a massive cataclysm, and then again as their masters began to
cast a further spell, the creations of the Razhdost rebelled against them. In fear, the Thalusai struck out against the
Razhdost, not understanding that they were trying to preserve Théah. Other races joined in the attack, trying to
destroy them before they could complete their spell.
The attack almost succeeded. All but one of the Razhdost were defeated, destroyed. Their blood stained the portal to
the Beyond and drowned thousands of their enemies in its tide. But the last few members of the Razhdost escaped the
massacres long enough to undo the damage, to close the rift and restore the balance to reality.
Only one Razhdost survived. As the younger Syrneth races celebrated their victory and turned to their own devices, the
she traveled through the shattered world, mourning the loss of her people and their creations. Finally settling in the
wasted ice plains that would one day be Ussura, she kept herself apart from the rest of the world, hardly noticing the
Syrneth squabbles, the rise of the Sidhe, the banishment of the Thalusai beyond the portal. Her own sorrow and grief,
and her sense of loneliness, consumed the young Razhdost and filled her with sorrow.
Her name was Matushka.

Matushka’s Goals
It is difficult to really role-play the goals of an ancient, immortal, truly powerful being with almost ultimate control
over nature in a limited region. Still, Matushka has emotions, feelings, and drives, and her goals can be simplified into a few brief sentences.
First, she knows a great deal about the Syrneth – from their creation to their release. She knows what they are, what
they do, and she knows that they wish to destroy the human race and conquer the world that the Razhdost created. This isn’t a hypothesis: Matushka knows. They will return, and she intends to be ready when they do.
Secondly, Matushka understands evolution as no other being does – from the creation of entire worlds and races to
the growing connection she has with the ecosphere and animals of the world, she can see humanity growing and
evolving, reaching farther and farther into the unknown. Matushka wants to help humanity evolve naturally, and she
wants to gently guide them toward wisdom and peace. This, however, is a long-term goal, and not something easily
accomplished without harming the natural evolution of Théah.
Another of Matushka’s goals is far less benign. She knows that Porté is tearing open a barrier that holds back horrible powers, and she understands that it must be stopped at all costs. All of the powers of the Bargain strengthen and serve
the Syrneth – but Porté will one day set them free. Because of this, Matushka’s most immediate goal is to eradicate
Porté sorcery. She isn’t blind; only certain members of the Montaigne nobility have the power. Others despise it even
as she does. Matushka is choosing her allies carefully, and working to destroy Porté without alerting its users to their
true power and the risk they present. It is a dangerous balance, but she will do anything to advance this goal.

Читай, ищи в тексте Бабу Ягу и инопланетян с демонами. Заметь, я не исключал возможности изменения и доработки правил в другой игре. Но мы играем в эту.

Скрытый текст - Апд.:
Глянул одним глазком в книгу об "Империи восходящей Луны". Окай. Есть инопланетяне в игре Ну, как есть? При желании их можно "увидеть" среди жителей Крещент Мун. Магия Порте связана с падением летающей тарелки. Ну, по-крайней мере с какой-то Неведомой *** фигней, которая упала с неба. Ахаха. Но еще в предисловии ясно сказано, что книга добавлена к сеттингу уже после его написания - дополнение по просьбам страждущих побывать за Стеной. Сиквел, короче)) Если в "Crescent moon" не заглядывать, то об падении летающих тарелок никак не узнать. Мде. А насчет Яги ты все-таки приврал. То ли специально, то ли каша у тебя в голове, то ли юмор весьма и весьма специфический. Хех. Более близкий аналог - смесь Жар-птицы и Лины Инверс, ибо сиськи... и жжот. Выпендрежник думай иногда, прежде чем зарваться, что-то вбросить и назвать всех дураками. Иначе обратка будет прилетать регулярно)
Просто заткнись

Последний раз редактировалось SunnyBоy; 28.06.2013 в 22:02.