Ïîêàçàòü ñîîáùåíèå îòäåëüíî
Ñòàðûé 04.12.2018, 22:57
Àâàòàð äëÿ Vasex
ÿ ìîäåðàòîð, à íèãâåí íåò!
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 20.02.2007
Ñîîáùåíèé: 10,587
Ðåïóòàöèÿ: 1649 [+/-]
Îòïðàâèòü Skype™ ñîîáùåíèå äëÿ Vasex
“Yeah, I see the ox-eye.” The captain smiled, and first lightening highlighted his crooked teeth. Then he shouted: “Bear up! Dead ahead! Full forward! Show ‘em how to sail!”
The ship planed directly to the breaking out hurricane, to the electrostatic disco through the walls of winds. Thunderstorm was really heavy. The captain tried to notice everything and to miss nothing, but he wasn’t a spider, he had only two eyes. Firstly green tugboat had disappeared somewhere behind tall waves, then the crew almost lost all signs of whales’ presence. Low heavy clouds full of nasty water cut them off.
“Don’t panic!” The captain bawled, spitting out water. “Is it a rain? Nay! Just sea dust!”
“Zero visibility!” The boatswain roared, fighting with wind on the deck. “We can lose our fatties!”
“They’ll use magnetic lines, towards magnetic north.” Endrik pulled out a compass. “We won’t miss them. Right now they are starboard on two o’clock. However, green ones will be looking for us there too.”
“We still can hear them! I mean whales!” Sparks-boy shouted. “Look at the signals, Endrik!”
The captain went to the shack. He grabbed phones, listened to it, looking at the radar screen, drawn by echo sounding. Empty bottles were rolling on the floor.
Sparks-boy wasn’t so patient.
“They are coming! We should slow down or change our course!”
The captain shook his head no.
“Impossible. Too much noise because of thunderstorm. The tools are not working properly. Why do they need to change their course…”
Then suddenly the noises on radio sets erased and after a second all lights turned off.
“What’s the demon’s hell?” The captain yelled.
Emergency antipanic illumination began working.
It wouldn’t be so scary – who knows what had happened with electricity during thunderstorm, not a big deal, – but Endrik followed up the sight of stunned and shocked sparks… And his old legs shivered, like he was only first time on board in such bad weather…
The mobile phone in the hand of the boy was also turned off. He couldn’t turn it on.
“No GPS. No radio. No communications” Somebody said. “No any aid. We should check the generator…”
“Some electromagnetic event…” The captain mumbled. “Seems to be natural…”
“Maybe some kind of attack from green ones?” One of the sailors asked. “I mean like EMP or something…”
“I feel terrible headache” Sparks sobbed. “Really…”
“Sabotage?” The boatswain returned from outdoors, slammed the door and lighted a cigarette. “I don’t think so. They are too far. And they didn’t try to attack us so far… Is it a good time? For what? We did nothing! There is no sense…”
The oldest man on board, the old salt, was hitting himself to the chest.
"Jesus! My pacemaker... is on fritz... Oh, boys..."
The captain stared at the compass and tried to understand how it is possible for magnetic needle to show new direction… He looked at the blocked steering wheel and then again – at the compass. He felt soaked not only with sea or rain water, but with sweat…
“Natural or not… it can explain the behavior of… God damned! …Whales! They could really change their…”
Sudden heavy strike to the hull made everybody fly to the walls and windows. Some of them thought it was a deep rock or other ship, but it wasn’t. Now it was so stupidly clear in the Endrik’s consciousness.
Sparks-boy crashed his head to the full death. Apparently he was the lucky one.
The sperm whales continued hitting and beating to the body of the ship. The members of crew were badly injured after most of these quakes.

Ïîñëåäíèé ðàç ðåäàêòèðîâàëîñü Vasex; 04.12.2018 â 23:09.
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì